Quick Tips!


Welcome to my Blog!

My Aim is to provide a resource to living frugally in NYC and enjoy what NYC has to offer. I also post about my current interests, which include: productivity, personal improvement, traveling, photography, Tech (computers, hardware, software, blackberry, etc..), gardening.

Recently I've thought about how one can save money on everyday entertainment in one of the world's most expensive cities. I'll just mention a few things that I do to save a little here and there. Feel free to add your own ideas.
  • Movies: buy prepaid tickets online or through your employer - You'll end up saving 50%. Many employers have employee benefits that let them buy these discount vouchers, my last company did so.
  • DVDs: When you mention DVD rentals, most people probably think of Netflix and possibly Blockbuster. They are pretty cheap, but nothing more frugal than a free resource, your local library. I reserve DVDs on the Library's website and they notify me when they are available. Check out some NYC libraries I recommend.
  • Food: Cook your own food. Its usually the most cost effective, it is frugal and healthy. You can find many recipes via google or borrow a book from the library. I've found a very frugal recipe called Buckskin Bread, I have tried it and it's not bad if done properly.
Hope you enjoy the contents of my blog. Leave me a note and tell me what you would like to see on here or if you like the content and direction I'm headed. Thanks for visiting!


Anonymous said...

Using coupons and club cards to get discounted items helps with my monthly expenses.

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