I joined Swagbucks a few weeks ago, thanks to James from Twitter. This program basically replaces your Current Search engine in several ways. The search results are from Google, but it does contain several more ads in the beginning of your search results. If you don't mind this, you could earn some extra rewards for doing your daily searches.
Earning Points
I have been doing searches using swagbucks web portal since I signed up, though I didn't install the browser bar - I don't like additional bars. If swagbucks does not return the results I'm looking for I use a regular Google search afterwards. You earn points at random times, perhaps someone else can fill us in on how this is determined. Depending on your search query, and if your searches are genuine, you'll earn a few points each day you are active. If you sit there in front of the pc and just search away all day, you'll probably be wasting your time. You can also earn points from Swagcodes, I've only seen one or two that I've claimed so far. It is another way of promoting their product. Your referrer earns a point every time you do, James, the guy who referred the program to me, has earned every point that I have earned. Another incentive to get your friends to join.
There are many other such programs on the web, but I do find this program a bit entertaining and the social / MLM aspects are helpful towards earning points as well. If you are not already a Swagbucks member, why not sign up today (this is my referal link). All you have to do is search!
The points you earn can go toward prizes from their site, ranging from promotional posters, comic books, t-shirts, iPods, cash and many other goodies. One of the great things about this program is, if someone signs up using your referral - you also earn points every time they earn points. So if you sign up today using the links here or the banner above, I'll be earning a swagbuck every time you do!
Thanks to the anonymous comment asking me to write about Swagbucks.
Are you a swagbucks user? What prizes have you earned? What do you like best about it? What other programs do you use?
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