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Columbus Day Parade


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Discover a New World at the Columbus Day Parade in NYC, on Monday October 12, 2009 .  There probably won't be any geese there.  The parade is held yearly on Fifth Avenue, starting from 44th Street and continuing until 79th Street.  Bring they kids, they love it!

Every year, the Columbus Day Parade takes place on the second Monday in October.  The Columbus Day Parade has been organized in New York since 1929. Over 35,000 people participate in the Columbus Day Parade in New York City each year.

Some facts about Columbus Day
  • Columbus sailed with a 90 man crew on three ships (the Santa Maria, the Nina and the Pinta) for two long months filled with sickness, famine and exhaustion.
  • The first celebration of Columbus’ landing was officially held in New York City in 1792 with a monument dedicated to his discoveries.
  • Colorado was the first state to observe Columbus Day in 1905.
  • President Roosevelt deemed that “Columbus Day” would be a federal holiday held on the twelve of October.
  • President Nixon’s presidency in 1971 changed the celebration to be observed on the second Monday in October.
Columbus Day Closures: Banks, United States Postal Service, State offices, Government offices, Many schools

Open On Columbus Day: Stock exchange, Most retail stores, Federal Express, United Parcel Service and DHL

Columbus Day Sales - Sales abound on Columbus Day with traditional markdowns and marked savings on the following: Autos, Bicycles, Digital Cameras, Gas Grills, Housewares, Furniture, Clothing, Shoes, Winter Coats.

All facts above came from Suite101.  Enjoy the free entertainment!

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