Quick Tips!

7 Frugal Ideas For Winter Fun With Kids


New York City has had its share of snow this winter. The cold weather can keep kids indoors most of the winter, and kids can get restless. Below are some ideas to keep your pre-school kids busy during the winter time. I've used most of these to some success and the variety of activities should keep most young children entertained for a little while. Older children may or may not take to these activities, let me know how it works out for you. Spending time with your children can help build their self confidence levels. I hope you are all doing your part in building the confidence in our future generations.

Without further ado, here are the ideas:
  1. Crafts - Sock puppets, paper bag puppets, origami, are just the beginning. Kids have wonderful imaginations, just give them a bunch of cups and spoons and they can play restaurant owner for hours!
  2. Puzzle books - My daughter has borrowed several puzzle books from the library recently. She loves them! We also have a crafts book that contains lessons in the alphabet and related activities she can work on. These activities include cutting out shapes, gluing, coloring, connect the dots, among others.
  3. Baking and Cooking- Recently I decided to try making some noodles from scratch. Of course my daughter wanted to get her hands on some dough as well. Giving her a handful of dough kept her busy while I worked on my noodle making skills :)
  4. Snuggling - Kids love to have one and one time with their parents, at least mine do. I have a feeling your young children also likes to have one on one time with you as well. Snuggling, hugging, or any close contact sport with the little ones can keep them happy and engaged. You'll run out of energy before they do, so you may want to use one of the other activities.
  5. Watching movies / TV Shows - I have found the best shows for a pre-K child are on PBS. I've had great success with shows like Arthur, Caillou, Clifford, Curious George, Dora, Maya and Miquel, Sasame Street and many others. You can get most of these free over the air, or via your cable. Search for your PBS show times here.
  6. Paint, Draw and Color - My daughter loves Dora the Explorer and Nick Jr. has some printable items for free. You can purchase a coloring book for a dollar at your local dollar store or discount store. This is great for kids who love to doodle and draw. A cheaper alternative is to just give your kids your used paper, the blank side makes for great scribbling paper!
  7. Blanket Forts (caves) - My daughter loves to get under the sheets and play hide and seek under the sheets. Share some "quality time" with your kids and play with them under the sheets, it may bring out the kid in you as well!

Some ideas came from ABC2News' article by Sara Noel. All these activities require you to spend time with your kids, which I hope all you parents out there are doing. For additional activities, you can check out this blog post on KidCity Blog for free things to do with your Kids this winter! Thanks for contacting me with that tweet @nyc_mom!

What are your favorite indoor activities for kids? Share them with us in the comments. For additional links to frugal tips and tricks follow me on Twitter. If you would like to contribute to FrugalNYC in any way (guest posts, articles, ideas, interesting links, advice, financial assistance, or anything else), feel free to contact me via email. Click here to add FrugalNYC to your RSS reader or Subscribe to FrugalNYC by Email.

Photo by suneko


Anonymous said...

Boards game is always a fun idea, something I used to enjoy playing growing up, although haven't in years. With the increasing technology, board games like SceneIt are becoming even more interactive, and tons of fun for kids.

FrugalNYC said...


Great suggestion! I think boardgames have taken a back seat to all the Video Gaming systems and online gaming. Thanks for the reminder that we should break out the boardgames. Thanks for your continued contribution to this blog! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting a link to us! You know we love ya FrugalNYC!

FrugalNYC said...

Always happy to include helpful links and sites!
Thank you for having such a great resource!

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