Quick Tips!

Older Software

There have been occasions when I needed an old version of a piece of software. Such as when firefox 3 did not support some plugins, and I needed to go back to firefox 2. I could go to the firefox site or do a google search, but its so much easier going directly to a source you know has the resource you need.

I have used Oldversion before and found all I needed. Another one I found recently is called Old apps. This can be indespensible when you need that specific function that is no longer available in the new version. Ever since I discovered oldversion several years ago, I've always kept it in mind when I needed some familiar software. You can find software from many categories and having this resource on-hand could save you some hassle too.

Do you know of any similar websites that are just as helpful? What site do you find most useful?
Let us know in the comments.


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