Quick Tips!

Frugal PATH

I currently work in Jersey City (steps from NYC) and have to take the PATH train for part of my daily commute. To save a little bit for my commute, I started purchasing Quickcards once I learned about it from a colleague. You can save a bit of money - and every dollar counts in this economy. You can also purchase the PATH SmarLink cards , which I believe costs a little bit more for the card activation, the benefit being a bit more durable (plastic vs paper Quickcards). I'm going to stick to talking about QuickCards since that's what I use.

You get approximately 2 extra rides for every 10 ride QuickCard you buy instead of using a pay-per-ride metrocard. This includes the current 20% bonus you get with a MetroCard over $10.

What does this mean? If you take the PATH for 4 weeks you save about 4 rides or approximately $7 a month, or $85 a year. Not bad for buying bulk ride cards. You can get quickcards for 10, 20 or 40 rides at $13, $26 and $52 respectively.

Do you find this helpful? Do you take the PATH in NYC or NJ for your commute?


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