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Books and Reminder - Go Vote!

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It's Election day again, so take a few minutes and exercise your right that so many have fought for in the past.  No matter who you vote for, make sure the candidate you choose is someone who will help our society and looks at the big picture.  Most politicians seem to be focused on the present.  It takes a lot more guts and courage to do what is right for the long term.  Those few individuals who do this may not even be appreciated until the time comes when people realize what really needs to be done.

So thanks for taking a minute to read this post.  Now take a few minutes and go vote for the people who will make a difference and work hard for what is right.

Here's some additional reading for those interested!

I'm Currently ReadingSix Pixels of Separation: Everyone Is Connected. Connect Your Business to Everyone
Free eBook: Oprah.com is offering a free download of “An Ex-Mas Feast”, the first story in “Say You’re One of Them” by Uwem Akpan featured in her book club. International.
Recommended ReadingHow To Be An Everyday Philanthropist: 330 Ways to Make a Difference in Your Home, Community, and World - at No Cost!

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