Quick Tips!

Ways To Make Your Car Last


I read an article about cars that last a million miles and was inspired to write a post on ways to make your existing car last longer. I hope this will be a good reminder to all the drivers out there as well as a checklist for myself and others to take better care of your car - it will take better care of you and your wallet!
  • Read your owners manual (use the Kaizen method if you need to).
  • Keep your tires properly inflated. I've seen some half inflated tires being driven.
  • Change your oil every 3000 miles, or whatever your owners manual says.
  • Drive slower, use the 80/20 rule, keep to around 60MPH when driving on highways. Just cruise.
  • Avoid stop and go as much as possible, slow down if you can.
  • Warm up your engine in the cold months. Let it idle in park for about 5 minutes (this number varies). I wait until the engine temperature gauge has moved a little bit.
  • Never let anyone else drive your car. This assumes you are a safe and careful driver to begin with.
  • Keep it simple - always purchase the most basic version of the car model. All the extras usually result in extra initial costs and extra maintenance costs.
  • Find a good mechanic who you trust, someone other than the dealer you purchased from.
  • Buy a manual stick shift - if you can drive a stick shift, it may last longer. Again, less to go wrong and repair.
If you have additional tips to make your current car last a little longer or to make it edge closer to the million mile mark, please let us know in the comments.

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Photo by stevoarnold


Anonymous said...


These are great tips and a great reminder/checklist!

Only thing that no longer works for me is having a stick shift...it is not fun when you have to drive in heavy stop and go traffic!:)

Can I vote for you everyday or is it just a one time vote?

See you soon!

FrugalNYC said...

Hi Henie!

Thanks for dropping by! Glad you find the list helpful. I agree about the stick shift too, in city commuter traffic, it's not ideal.

Yes you can vote for me daily on http://www.thebloggersguide.com/blogs/frugal-nyc

Thanks for your support, votes, smiles and always Happy self :)

Anonymous said...

you are violating the google adsense terms of service by encouraging visitors to click on the sponsored links. they will ban you for life once they find out.

FrugalNYC said...


You make a very good point. I was really referring to the Amazon ads, but didn't make it clear. I do remember reading something about that for google's terms for Adsense. Thanks for pointing it out. I've made some corrections to my blog and posts.

Much appreciate the reminder. Hope other bloggers remember as well. Do you know if Amazon has such wording in for their associates ads?

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