Quick Tips!

Blogger Tag Cloud Widget


I've always found the Tag Cloud to be more visually appealing. I recently found a widget for putting tag clouds into a Blogger based blog. Since there is no easy option to click your way into such a widget, this little hack will do for now. I found this on phy3blog's blog and it is implemented on both Frugal NYC and Frugal Tech for several weeks now.

I hope you like the new template and layout changes I've made. You can check out the instructions to make this widget appear on your own blog on phy3blog's site.

Here is today's Frugal Friday Tip: When you use scallions, cut them 3 inches from the bulb, you can put the bulb in a glass of water and it will grow to near its original size in about a week.

Thanks for visiting and I hope this post has helped you with your blogger blog. Follow me on Twitter for additional links to tips and tricks. If you would like to contribute to Frugal NYC in any way, articles, ideas, posts, interesting links, advice, financial assistance, or anything else, feel free to contact me via email. Click here to add this to your RSS reader.


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