Quick Tips!

Blogger Help

I've been using blogger more frequently lately, as can been seen from my regular posts. I have found some links from blogger's help pages very handy. I've always used help features from all applications I've used, and if I don't, I usually end up regretting not doing so later. From Blackberry to Windows Notepad (yes even notepad's help can be useful to those new to it), using the built-in help system and reading a manual can save you a good deal of time later on.

Like many web applications today, blogger is very easy to use and is full of features that are waiting to be discovered. It's in my nature to look for the nooks and crannies, to make the most of what I have. In my opinion, that's the definition of frugal. In a way, that's how I live my life. Even playing video games, I tend to explore and take my time, I'm usually not the first to finish any game I own. Blogging is no different for me, aside from writing and exploring my own thoughts, finding the features I did know were there excites me. That's why I write these posts!

Have you used Blogger's help links? What have you found most helpful lately? Please share your experience and best tips and tricks with us in the comments.


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